Friday, July 08, 2005


bluejuh (12:05:59 PM): that's 2 rum and cokes, 2 1/2 majitos, 3 glasses of water people gave me to keep me from getting too wasted, and all the soda i had at dinner that night.
erin (12:06:21 PM): nahahahaha
erin (12:06:25 PM): that is a lot of water
erin (12:06:29 PM): but!
erin (12:06:35 PM): you didn't feel it the next day
bluejuh (12:07:02 PM): but i peed whoa seriously
erin (12:08:32 PM): yeah
erin (12:08:39 PM): teeeee heee hee
erin (12:08:42 PM): shower!
bluejuh(12:08:49 PM): !
erin is away at 12:08:51 PM.
bluejuh (12:09:18 PM): oh. thank god

Auto response from erin (12:09:18 PM): shower

Sunday, May 29, 2005


bluejuh (10:27:36 PM): Just stuck the 2nd batch of cookies in the oven
bluejuh (10:28:07 PM): It is very tempting to say "Screw my friends" and eat them all.
bluejuh (10:28:24 PM): ...
bluejuh (10:28:32 PM): (cookies, not friends)

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

An example of how silly i used to be on IRC

[20:33] *** Now talking in #tmbg
[20:34] <blue_j> The monkeys are off of my face and I'm better for it.
[20:34] <TheGuitar> thats always good
[20:35] <blue_j> Of course.
[20:35] <Enna> good
[20:35] <Enna> I like monkeys, but they are annoying when they refises to get off your face
[20:35] <blue_j> It's hard to go about your day with a chimp on your nose.
[20:36] <blue_j> It's like: "dangit noodles! get the hey off me!"
[20:36] <blue_j> "No! Get the---- Geh Ouh ah mah mowh!"
[20:36] <TheGuitar> ah i see now
[20:37] <blue_j> "Ach! Ammih Oodih! Ahs mah houng!"
[20:37] <blue_j> Or something like that.
[20:40] <blue_j> ...I have a headache.
[20:40] <TheGuitar> could be the monkey...
[20:41] <TheGuitar> its probably the left over pain from the monkey
[20:41] <blue_j> I hope he diddn't do anything bad to my ear with that li'l twig of his.
[20:42] <TheGuitar> it can be tragic your lucky you got him off or you could have suffered sever pain
[20:43] <blue_j> Yeah, I'm lucky I got that robot when I did.
[20:47] <blue_j> You see, I ordered the Bext-Gibtronics Anti-Monkey 'Bot a couple weeks ago and they sent it through, of all people, the US postal service.
[20:48] <blue_j> It just so happened that when Noodles was startin' to get in my ear with that twig he got from who knows where, the Bext-Gibtronics Anti-Monkey 'Bot (v.5.2b) arrived on my doorstep.
[20:49] <blue_j> Anyway... The monkeys are off of my face and I'm better for it.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Identity Crisis

erin (9:50:20 PM): you are not james
erin (9:50:24 PM): who are you
bluejuh (9:50:35 PM): i am totally james
bluejuh (9:50:51 PM): I am so james it is unbelieveable
bluejuh (9:51:23 PM): i don't think you're ready for this jelly, my body too james-ilicious for you baby
erin signed off at 9:51:33 PM.
erin signed on at 9:51:38 PM.
erin (9:52:24 PM): nope
bluejuh (9:52:40 PM): no?
erin (9:52:46 PM): no
bluejuh (9:52:53 PM): oh
erin (9:52:56 PM): i don't believe you
erin (9:52:58 PM): i think
erin (9:53:05 PM): that you are an imposter
bluejuh (9:53:59 PM): tee-hee
bluejuh (9:54:12 PM): that is awesome
bluejuh (9:54:56 PM): i am now free to make severly out of character jokes and things,
bluejuh (9:55:05 PM): now that you don't think it's me
bluejuh (9:55:20 PM): I can never get chastized for my behavior
erin signed off at 9:55:44 PM.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


darcy (8:10:00 PM):
bluejuh (8:12:07 PM): oh boys
bluejuh (8:13:20 PM): that was both so wrong and so perfect
bluejuh (8:14:04 PM): it's mere existsence is a paradox of being and angels and demons alike are plotting it's removal.
darcy (8:14:26 PM): AHAHAHHA

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Just Checking up on things:

bluejuh (11:08:37 PM): so , anything terribly exciting going on in your world?
darcy (11:09:02 PM): nay, tis a night swaswa any other. I am writing.
darcy (11:09:25 PM): (swaswa is an old english word meaning "just like" / "such as" )
bluejuh (11:10:29 PM): is it really? ir is that just an excuse for an amazing typo?
bluejuh (11:10:54 PM): (cause it's a really good excuse, i might just start using it)
darcy (11:12:47 PM): (hahahahahah)
darcy (11:12:50 PM): it really is
bluejuh (11:14:48 PM): i'm too lazy to google it for myself, so i gues i'll have to believe you.

For the curious, A google search leads me here, a page from UHawaii's Ling 350 course. Sure enough, about a third down.. Gewurthe in willa on eorthan swaswa on heofonum. . . .

Thwarted again.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Mistaken identity: good_stuff from Germany

This Girl sends me a big mess of "hi"-"hello" messages on Yahoo!IM this weekend. All of them offline messages, of course, since, before today, I haven't logged into my Y!IM account since August. I have no idea who she is.
I respond with a polite: "hi... do you know me? or are you just randomly msging people?"

This I get this:

good_stuff : well u told me to look at ur pic im truelovin from migente mr.
blue_j: migente mr?
good_stuff : yeah
good_stuff : dont u remember
blue_j: i don't know what migente mr is... I'm thinkin' you got the wrong screen-name
good_stuff : nooo now i know u send me one on my e-mail
good_stuff : im sorry
blue_j: np,
good_stuff : yes u did wait

good_stuff : u told me ur father was station in germany
blue_j: nope, that wasn't me.
blue_j: sorry.
good_stuff : oh whatever i have ur messege right in front of me
good_stuff : u wher on the octoberfest and u order a hamburger and the women brought u a a big burger like from the flintstones

blue_j: nope, I'm really sorry, but that's not from me. Does it say it's from blue_j or blue_j@yahoo?
good_stuff : well i dont know
good_stuff : it dont matters anyway
good_stuff : im sorry
blue_j: no prob.
good_stuff : ok bye
good_stuff has signed out. (12/6/2004 2:24 PM)

Does this happen to anyone else?
Also, should I have played along? I mean, her userpic was cute: